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Hello there. This is Enamel from TwinDrill.
The 8th anniversary of Teto on April 1st is coming soon.
We are going to broadcast an anniversary program on Nico Live this year too.
The title of this year’s anniversary is
Teto Voicebank Request
In the broadcast we will take your requests on Teto voicebank.
For example,
“This kind of new voicebank is needed.”
“The voicebank would be better with this kind of modification.”
“I tried a new way of how to use Teto voicebank.”
We will reply to as many messages as possible in the broadcast.
We have received comments and requests about Teto voicebank until today,
but have been lazy to reply to them.
We feel sorry for our laziness.
The Teto Voicebank Request is a program for taking your requests
to improve the vocebank.
Please note, however, the improvement in the future may not cover all your requests.
To send us your comments or requests, post them on Twitter with
To avoid duplicated posts, search the hashtag first.
If the requests you are going to post have already been posted, click like button of the
requests that came first.
They will be introduced by the like-number order in the broadcast.
This program will be closed on March 25 JST (UTC+9hrs or PST+17hrs).
Your comments and requests will be listed and be available on our website later.
We are waiting for your participation!
A powerscale type voice bank, similar to Namine Ritsu’s Kire. A full VCV voice bank, not a lite. A voice bank with vocal fry. Voice banks that are easier to install. An English VCCV voice bank. MORE MULTIPITCH BANKS!
A multipitch of all the appends would be great! And an English VCCV voicebank would be lovely!
a soft VCV/連続音 multiscale or a English VCCV voice bank would be nice
As an english speaker, I would appreciate some English appends. This would include Teto Sakebi English (If that doesn’t already exist) or Teto Whisper English. Vocal fry would also be nice, for either Japanese or English.